Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Journal # 12

When you think of horror you think of scary movies. A lot of times people find horror out of made up characters.

Romance and love seems to be someones way of real feelings. A lot of times people want the movies to be real, and hoping that there is real love out there.

Journal # 11

It's in Samantha's blog! She did it on hers and she puts everyones part of the work in the project

Journal # 10

For Project three i decided to do a drinkinng and driving prevention picture that symbolizes what can lead a person if they drink and drive. In the picture there is a sport car heading to a cemetery and a stop sign with a bottle of alcohol. Pretty much what its symbolizing is that you better stop yourself from drinking or else it can and may lead you to death.!

Act-Somebody driving a sports car into the cemetery.

Actor-My picture doesn't focus on one person only, it can really happen to anyone.

Scene-The scene is taken place in a road leading to the entrance of the cemetery.

Agency-It symbolizes what drinking and driving can lead too.

Purpose-The message for this picture is for young people or whoever to not drink and drive because it can happen to you, and death may be one of the results.

Its a very powerful message!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

In the News! Gas Prices

I beleive that gas prices are going to fall down because now we are getting oil from different countries. When Bush was president we depended on oil from countries that didn't like us, so getting oil was harder. But now with a new president whose trying to settly peace, countries are being more nicer. I beleive that gas was five dollars a couple of months ago because of the government dirty scheme. In my opinion this country government is so corrupted because of them we pay the prices. If i was the president i'll try not to depend on other countries for oil but depend on our own soil. Like Brazil has their own way of getting oil, and using fossil fuels we should follow their lead and become more independent.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

In The News By Luis Sotomayor =)

85,000 homes lost to foreclosure in October

As government and industry scramble to reverse the tide of foreclosures, filings jumped 25% in October.

NEW YORK ( -- As government and industry scrambled to stem the housing crisis, another 84,868 homes were lost to foreclosure in October, according to a report released Thursday.
Last month 279,561 struggling borrowers received foreclosure filings, including default notices, notices of auction sales and bank repossessions, according to RealtyTrac, an online marketplace for foreclosures. That's a 5% increase from September, and up 25% from October 2007.
"October marks the 34th consecutive month where U.S. foreclosure activity has increased compared to the prior year," said James J. Saccacio, chief executive officer of RealtyTrac, in a statement.
A total of 936,439 homes have been lost to foreclosure since the housing crisis hit in August, 2007.
Foreclosures hit a record high in August when 304,000 homes were in default and 91,000 families lost their houses. Since then, a number of states have adopted legislation to freeze foreclosures and give homeowners a chance to modify their mortgages. These laws have helped slowed the rate of foreclosures.
"The really sobering reality for us is that despite these various state programs that are artificially keeping the numbers down, we are still up 25% from a year ago," said Rick Sharga, senior vice president of RealtyTrac.
Making matters worse is the rapidly deteriorating economy, says Global Insight economist Pat Newport.
"It seems almost every day you hear about another company planning further layoffs," he said. When people lose their jobs, they can't make mortgage payments.
And while some homeowners are defaulting because they've fallen on hard times, Newport says that others have simply stopped paying their mortgages. "Falling home prices are providing an incentive for them to walk away from their homes simply because it just isn't worth it," he said.
Home prices have been on a steep decline, with 20 major markets plunging a record 16.6% year-over-year in August according to the most recent data fromCase-Shiller. That index has recorded declines for 25 consecutive months.
State legislation: A new law in California, one of the hardest-hit states in the housing crisis, requires banks to contact struggling homeowners 30 days before delivering a notice of default in order to give them time to restructure their plans.
Thanks to that legislation, foreclosures in the state fell 18% from September. But California still had the highest number of foreclosures in the country for October, logging 56,954 filings. That total was down from a peak of more than 100,000 filings in August, but up 13% from October 2007.
Clearly the housing crisis is not relenting. "While the intention behind this legislation - to prevent more foreclosures - is admirable," said Saccacio, "without a more integrated approach that includes significant loan modifications, the net effect may be merely delaying inevitable foreclosures."
The delays may also be masking the problem, he said. "The apparent slowing of foreclosure activity understates the severity of the foreclosure problem in these states," Saccacio said.
Nevada had the highest rate of foreclosures of any state for the 22nd consecutive month in October, with one in every 74 housing homes receiving a foreclosure filing. Arizona had the second highest rate in October, with one in every 149 housing units in default. Florida was third, with one in every 157 homes there in default.
Banks, government step up: Both government agencies and a handful of major lenders have recently introduced new foreclosure prevention programs, but it will take a while before they have an impact.
"It took us the first half of the decade to get into this problem," said Sharga, "so it is probably going to take a couple of years to get out."
On Tuesday the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees mortgage giants Fannie Mae (FNM, Fortune 500) and Freddie Mac (FRE, Fortune 500), unveiled a new program to help eligible borrowers stay in their homes by lowering their monthly payments to 38% of gross household income.
And on Monday Citgroup (C, Fortune 500) announced the Citi Homeownership Assistance Program, which it says will modify $20 billion worth of loans for 130,000 borrowers. Similar housing rescue initiatives were unveiled recently by FDIC-controlled IndyMac Bank, which says it will help as many as 40,000 homeowners, as well as Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500), which estimates it can rescue 630,000 homes and JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500), which expects to help another 400,000 families.
The moves are promising. "This is finally a step in the right direction," said Sharga. "Those are the kind of programs we need to see executed to see the number of foreclosures slow down."
Hurdles remain, including home loans that will be much harder to modify because they've been packaged and securitized into investments.
And Sharga notes that fixing existing loans is only part of the equation; banks must resume lending to new borrowers. "Just freeing up some funds for qualified home buyers would make a huge difference in getting the housing market back on its feet," he said.
Mike Larson, a real estate analyst with Weiss Research, added that falling home prices and the slowing economy will also create strong headwinds for any government relief program.
"You can certainly fix some of these mortgages, you can certainly try to slow the foreclosures," said Larson, "but until home prices stabilize and the economy gets back on its feet, it is going to be a tough slog."
First Published: November 13, 2008: 3:32 AM ET

* It seems like every day things in the economy are just getting worse by the day. Nothing seems to go right, and this month a 25% increase in forclosure in the USA happen. Last month over 279, 561 people were notified that there house was in possesion of the bank, and notices of auction sales. Thats an 20% increase prior to the 5% in September. Close to a million houses have been forclose since the housing crisis hit the economy on August of 2007. A number of states have helped the people pay their mortgages by adopting legislation to forclosure. These laws have helped slowed the rate of forclosure but its still happening. The reason people cant be paying their mortgages cause by the day passes it seems like every company is going out of business, and a company holds workers which with their salary they pay it off, but what happen when the worker doesnt have a job any more?. A state legislation in California has been set to give the owner 30 days prior to give them a notice for their forclosure home. Nevada holds first place on forclosure while Florida is the Third highest state that has been affected by it the hardest.
What do you think the government should do to help the people not loose their home?
Do you think there is any way in getting out of this mess?
What do you think the state should do to help those in need?
Do you think the banks are doing enough to help their clients?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the News "Democrats In The White House"

For the very first time We have seen history in the making happen. We went from the typical White Protestant President, to a Black Diverse President. This brings mixed emotions to everyone. Some are hatred, some of happiness. I feel like everyone should just accept the fact that our president is finally different, and different might be a good thing. People all over the world are seeing the changes, and it can inspire them also to change how they see things. Never again America can be seen as the stereotypical country that we have put ourselves too, and maybe we can get our respect back. In my opinion i think that the Democrat can bring that change that they been saying about if they work hard and smart. Nothing is easy now in days because Bush has left the country so unstable, that all the pressure would go to OBama, in my opinion i think he would try as hard as he can to make things better, but where the US stands now it's going to take a while to get back to normal. The economy is a whole different issue. We are already as screwed up as it is, its going to take years even decades for it to be back to normal, what i do think the new president would do is to be in top of things more because of the fact of that people are expecting him, so it gives him more pressure. he wants everyone to at least be equal in some ways and to work together, in a way this worries the rich people who make 200,000 and more because its affecting them big way, but why does a middle class person need to pay as much as a rich person in taxes. I think thats just unfair.
Also The fact the Obama is suposely Inexperience shouldn't be a matter. Obviously those who had Experience quote on quote didnt do so much of a good job. I think Obama has learn and will learn along the way. We really have to stop being stubborn and give the man a chance.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Journal #9 Images!

Image # 5

1) When you eat fast food {Burger King} you are likely to live less, and die faster.

2)You are likely to die faster by eating fast food because of the quality of the food, and because of low proteins, carbs, and has too many calories.

3)Eating too much fast food can affect your health which can lead to death later on if you keep on eating too much of it.

Image #7

1)Drinking and driving can cause death.

2) You are more likely to get into a fatal car accident by drinking and driving because of your low inpair judgement, and reactions.

3)By drinking and driving you put yourself more at risk of dying, than been hit by another car.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Persuasive Picture!

* This picture caught my attention and i think in society it influeces a lot of woman out there. This picture is off a young model posing her stylish bikini, but what is so different about this picture is the fact that she's to skinny. When you really look at it, there is nothing wrong about it but when you get into it you can see the how it can actually affect people. Now in days in society people think that they should look a certain way, this can actually cause mental problems. This is how all eating disorders begin. Girls out there think they are too fat to look like this model so instead of trying to loose weight the right way, they do it all wrong. I think that the attention of this picture is not to try to persuade the person to loose weight but instead just buying the bikini, but now in days people don't see it like that. They feel what they are trying to say is that society should look like that, or else it won't look good in you.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Matthew Horn In The News Article!

1)This topic is a very bi versa subject because there is so much you can do, but so little to be done. I think that the economy is stuck in the middle, and it's really hard to say what to do now. I think that the government should start first off by ending the war. Obviously the war has been one of our most expensive payments, and honestly i think we are done there so that automatically will be one less expense. Second the United States needs to create more jobs for their citizens. Enough on shipping things from other countries, and having things made. We have a country of our own to worry about. I think if there would be less expenses the economy might go back to normal.

2)I don't think taxes should increase because theres millions of citizens out there who are struggling as it is, and with a tax that high it can affect their home. I don't think we should suffer, and pay someone else mistake. I do feel that as an american citizen we can all do something to help get through this phase.

3)Honestly, i cant really say what i would do because is such a controversy matter. In my opinion i would start off trying to put everything together or a plan and then try to do it. I actually feel a bit bad for the next president cause he has so much pressure going on for him. Hopefully the economy would get better!

"Politics and the English Language"

1)In this essay, Orwell suggests that the English language is on the decline because the people who use English are misusing the language. What sort of things does he mention as proof that the English language is in trouble?

A)What Orwell is trying to tell us is that people are not writing how they use to write. What takes over the American language are the use of slangs, people are very stale when they compare an imagery, and pretty much how the person is expressing themselves. Now in days people are writing the way they feel is write. It's really just turning all around, and becoming their own way.

2)Orwell wrote this essay almost 60 years ago. Do you think the English language is in a better or worse condition than when Orwell wrote his essay? Can you think of modern examples of how people misuse language?

A)In my opinion i think the English Language is at its worst. Now in days you hear of people creating their own words, slangs are at its peak, and specially the writing is messy. People are using slangs or the way they talk as proper English and it shouldn't be like that cause is going against the real meaning of english.

Ex- Lol!-awkard-the use of wrong words-Like etc. People use these words to communicate online that they are bringing it to their daily life.

2)What do you think of Orwell’s list of rules to improve your writing?
Orwell wrote the following in the provided excerpt:

Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. Afterward one can choose -- not simply accept -- the phrases that will best cover the meaning, and then switch round and decide what impressions one's words are likely to make on another person.

A) What he means is that we should stop using certain words and to look more into it, to comprehend it better. After we have a sense of it we got to actually studied it and analyze it and thats when it would be better to use it. This means that we shouldn't use words that we don't even know what they mean because its only going to hurt us at the end. We should be aware of the word and once we know how to use it properly, that when we should use it.

3)What do you think he means when he suggests that one should focus on “pictures and sensations” before one sits down to put words on the page? Have you ever done this? Does it help you write better?

A)Pictures are in some way better because they help you understand it better. They help you have a common sense of it. Yes, i have done this especially while I'm reading. Whenever Im lost somewhere and there are pictures or sensations i tend to comprehend it because there is a better knowledge to it. By helping me write better, hmm i dont know because pictures are just pictures, do they help me describe more and express more, definately because now it's telling you details, and it makes it better to included it in your writings!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

In The News " Religious Art"

In my opinion i think people are against Religion because of their own insecurities. Articles like this pisses me off because people are so stubborn and selfish. I don't understand why they would make it a big issue when its only art. These monuments, paintings, and structures are not made to make others feel bad, they are made to be acknowledge and inspiring. I don't think those are ways to persuade you to change your religion or anything. And what really pisses me off that people only make a big deal when somehow catholicism is involve. I don't understand why there is so much negativity and even hatred. I think everyone should be allow to beleive in anything as long as you don't do anything physically. Everyone has their own opinions and thoughts and thats all it matter. People should stop worrying about everyone else and worry about themselves. I think in this article the government shouldn't pay any money for religious stuff because those things are not meant to be a burden but instead to be acknowledge. Nothing in religion shouldn't be a fee. People should simply just let it be!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some Questions For You To Think About ? ? ?

1) Why is it important to vote?

2)Now In days what can a person do to make a difference in a President's election?

3)Remaining silence and not voting can affect who in the long run?

4)What does The Word "Die" on the Phrase "Vote oR Die" really mean in your own opinion?

5)What's a belief you have grown to beleive about Voting?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Essay Project Draft #2 "VOTE OR DIE"

Sotomayor I

A leader defined in a dictionary is an official chosen to control over a meeting or

assembly. In this case the leader of our country is somebody who has taken the roll to

lead our country for the best. Every other four years since the United States came

together as a nation, people have chosen a President to direct the country. Choosing a

president isn’t as easy as it sounds, it’s actually a very long process which involves

campaigning, and most of all “Voting”. There is a phrase commonly used now, “Vote or

Die”, which symbolizes the reasons to vote or to remain quiet. People see it more as a

belief, the content of it shouldn’t be taken literal because of the wording there is, but it

should be something too look into it.

A myth defined in a dictionary is a popular belief that has grown up around

something or someone. We are exposed every day on how important it is to pick the right

leader, it has been shown how much power a President has over everything, in which it

can be good or bad depending on your views. As Americans we have a choice to change

the paths of our way of living, and by doing this it can happen from Voting. There is a

belief out there that involves Voting or Drying. These words are very strong, but it shows

how much power both of them holds.

Vote or Die, Vote or Die! You hear it, you see it, and you feel it. Do we really

know what these words are trying to say? In my opinion, and in facts through some

research that I been doing, these two words define change. Voting is a popular way of

choosing your preference, and Dying is meant in other words to remain quiet. By voting

you can change history, you can pick the one you think is right, and holds the same views

as you. There is so much you can do with one vote, believe it or not that one vote can be

Sotomayor II

the one to make the change everyone seems to want.

Not everyone is a big fan of Voting, people prefer to just letting it be. This is

where the word “Die” becomes literal. It means to lose force, strength, or active qualities.

By not casting your vote, a lot can happen, but nothing physical. In other words it means

that by you remaining quiet, you couldn’t make a change which leads to you loosing. A

lot of times people complain about our President, but whose fault was that if we didn’t

make the approach to make a change. Everything you believe, your views and values will

die out if you don’t make a vote. This essay is not meant to force anybody to Vote, this

essay was meant to understand the real meaning of Voting, and Dying.

Any way there is, people try to promote others to cast votes. Some hold their

beliefs that by Voting, things will get pleasant, and go the right way. We are tending to

forget also that Voting is a competition. It sometimes doesn’t go our way. People get too

caught up with Voting, that the word Dying can also happen. It is simply a race to the

White House what these leaders are trying to compete for. A lot of times candidates

offers the community changes, but it depends on the person what kind of changes they

are really looking for. This topic is very bi versa because it all depends on people’s

values and standards.

There is no right and wrong answer to the real meaning of “Voting and Dying”. It

can simply be seen as a myth, because everyone is brought up to believe on how they see

things. In some cases it can be wrong, but by the way you are brought up it can be right.

There is no pressure on Voting, but there is pressure of changes. The only way there can

be changes is if we put action into our hands. Remaining quiet, been the one’s vulnerable

Sotomayor III

will not take us anywhere. The only thing will get out of it is us loosing.

Next time you see the phrase “VOTE OR DIE”, look at it as if in having your way

or the highway. The only way there can actually be a change is if you make the attempt

of voting. There can always be that possibility that things can go right and change for

the best, but if we don’t try we will never know. As a person I like people to hear me, and

acknowledge my presence, been the one defeated is not on my list, everything I

personally belief would die out if I don’t make that one change. In other words, if you

want something you got to fight for it and the only actions an American can take is by


Making a change can be rewarding at the end, it’s up to the person’s belief on

how you want the future to be. There is nobody forcing you to take actions, there is

nobody telling you what to do. The belief to “Vote and Die”, signifies what you have

been brought up to believe which is to never back down of anything. Like I said before,

these two words are very strong, but have a lot of meaning into it. If you stand up to what

you believe in, things can happen your way. The myth of Voting and Dying shouldn’t be

something to be scare off, it should rather be something you are looking to change for the


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why Everyone should Vote or die!<-Myth Project

1)Choose a part of your project and perform a tagmemic analysis about it—attempting to inquire into it from three perspectives: as a particle (define and describe its qualities right now), as a wave (look at how it has changed and will change over time), and as a field (how it’s connected to larger cultural changes). For example, the tagmemic analysis we did in class about “a college degree” would have been a good fit for an essay about the myth that “everyone should go to college.” Post the results of your inquiry to your blog.

A)By voting for a president in this case would mean that you would be voting for your rights, dying is not literally dying but is having your beliefs and rights get taken away.
-I think everyone should vote because your voting on what you beleif is right for this country, the only way is going to change is if you see a difference, and that's if we all vote, and yes it will change over time because the person who will win is the person who thinks like you, and will act the way you would want him too.
-I think everyone should go vote because that's the only way were going to see changes, we are all different from each other in every way, but a lot of similarities we all have is the way we think this country should run along.

2)Write a dialogue between yourself and a fictional person who believes in the myth you are inquiring into. Have the speakers explore each other’s beliefs about this myth. Post the dialogue to your blog.

Luis-I hate how things are going in this country, I don't know what to do
Shanayne-I know men, there's really nothing we can do except to vote.
Luis-Vote? what happen if we don't vote.?
Shanayne-Yes vote, or else were all going to die.
Luis-Die? no what are you talking about.
Shanayne- Not literally dying, but your beleifs and rights are not going to be the same. The only way we can make a difference is if we all vote, and pick a leader with the same values, and beleifs as us. Nobody is really going to die physically but your beleifs would die.
Luis- I still don't get it. So your saying if i don't vote somebody is going to kill me.
Shanayne-Stop been stubborn. That's not what I'm saying. By voting your picking your preference, your picking the leader that would best suit this country. Your picking a guy who stands up on what he beleifs, and if you beleif in him then he is the right guy for you. And by dying is meant in other words loosing. Your going to be very disappointed when you feel like you couldn't make a change.
Luis-Oh i get it now, By voting Im picking somebody who will stand up on what i beleif but as a society, and dying means that if i don't vote Im not going have somebody to hold those beleifs.?

3)Interview one or more people about this myth. For example, I could easily go out and ask people about whether they believe everyone should go to college and why they believe as they do. Post transcripts (the interviews word for word) or a summary of your findings to your blog.

A) I interview a couple of my friends who i sit in lunch with and they all agree with me that everyone should vote because that's the only way we can make a difference in this election. If we don't vote were not going to make a change at all, and this country is based on changes. My friends beleive that everyone should have a least a little saying and by voting is the way to go. They laugh when i say "Or die" because last election famous people like Paris Hilton, P. Diddy made shirts saying that, but it's true in a way a little part of us would die if don't pick the right guy to lead this country.

4)Find a piece of published writing related to your project (in a magazine, newspaper, or blog, for instance). Analyze the author’s position toward the myth and compare/contrast it with your own position.


This person who wrote this article beleives that everyone should vote, but it shouldnt be about peer pressure. You see it everywhere people saying "Vote or die", bumper stickes, posters. It shouldn't be a popularity contest and voting cause everyone else is doing, you should do it cause you feel like doing it.

In a way i got to agree with the author of this article because it feels like these campaigns elections are becoming more of a popularity contest rather than an adult situation. People should vote if they really want too, not because couple of famous stars asked you too.

One thing i don't agree with him is the important of voting. Yea we might not vote now, and maybe we do get the wrong guy in the white house, but whose fault is going to be when that happens. There shouldn't be any pointing fingers at all because it was those who voted, those who care to put him in there. Yes, we might be one vote, but that one vote can be the one who changes things for everyone. Nobody really sees it like that, but voting is very crucial when our president doesn't turn out the person we all taught he was, and the good guy lost.

Men and Their Hidding Feelings Pg. 242

1)Men can't be best friend with each other, they are more of buddies and pals, something to get along with, rather than opening up to the person, in a way the writer was right about this not been a real friendship because the definition of a best friend is somebody who you can be yourself around and many times men give enough of themselves, and hold the rest back.

2)Men keep things to themselves more rather than women. Woman are social and love to talk about themselves, man keep things to themselves, more privately. They only let you know enough about them. He classifies men to be more fearful of showing their true colors, and he classifies women to be more open about themselves. I agree with it because as a guy, you don't want to cry in front of your friends, or do something that wouldn't be manly because people will judge you, and they would look at you wrong.

3)He made it a good point in paragraph five,because i think a lot of men don't admit their sexual lives, if it's bad they are too embarass to admit it, and it would look un manly. We have a reputation too look better, sound better and perform better in this society and if we let that go, we have nothing to stand on.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why I want a: WIFE

1)This essay was written in 1971. What types of duties does Syfers describe as being performed by wives? To what degree do you believe these are still done primarily by women? Have these or other things about the husband/wife relationship changed in the last 37 years?

A)The type of duties that Syfers is looking in a wife is the type of duties a maid would do, but he has to pay. He thinks that by having a wife is to have everything cater to him. He expects his wife to clean, wash, look out for the kids, and in top of all love the sex with him.

-As times have change an woman are becoming more dependable, there are still housewives out there who clean up after dinner, who don't work just to keep an eye on the kids, who gives her free time to devote herself to the husband, as funny as this sounds after 35 years some little things haven't changed.

-37 years later the men is still in charge of the house, but also the women plays a major role. Now you see some woman working hard all day to bring food to the table, now is more like a team, there is no I in team just because how things have change sometimes the men can't be the only one in charge of everything. Bills are getting expensive, everything seems to go up in price that a men alone can't do it, that is where the women comes in place now in days.

2)How would you describe Syfers’ writing style? Does she do things you would typically avoid in your own writing

A)His writing style is all about himself, and opinions. There is no proven fact, it makes him sound arrogant and very selfish.

-She mentions the word "wife" a lot. I know she is talking about wives, but she could have just put it in a way to bring it all together rather than repeating itself.

3)Syfers was reacting to a social structure that she felt at the time was unfair. What types of injustice or unfairness do you see in the world nowadays that you think should be addressed? Syfers implies that men benefit from the servile position of women in the family. Who benefits from the injustices you see active in the world today?

A)Some types of injustice happening now in days is the way the woman are put out to be. You still see major roles as male figures, nobody can't really see a female in charge. It kinds of intimidates and embarass people. As a men I have a lot to say about this because been raised by a single mother she has proven to me that she can be as strong as a men itself, maybe even a bit stronger, she has over come a lot of obstacles that no men would, but she has done it so I see things different.

-Men expect women to be servants, or something like that, you never really see men been butlers or anything like that because the stereo type is a women always serving our needs, man do benefit from the injustices because society thinks he can handle more pressure. In a way men can but we shouldn't be underestimating a woman power also. I beleive that in a way we are equal and yea man can do a bit more stuff than woman but mentality wise and sometimes physically wise woman are around there.

' Why I want a: WIFE '

1)This essay was written in 1971. What types of duties does Syfers describe as being performed by wives? To what degree do you believe these are still done primarily by women? Have these or other things about the husband/wife relationship changed in the last 37 years?

A)The type of duties that Syfers is looking in a wife is the type of duties a maid would do, but he has to pay. He thinks that by having a wife is to have everything cater to him. He expects his wife to clean, wash, look out for the kids, and in top of all love the sex with him.

-As times have change an woman are becoming more dependable, there are still housewives out there who clean up after dinner, who don't work just to keep an eye on the kids, who gives her free time to devote herself to the husband, as funny as this sounds after 35 years some little things haven't changed.

-37 years later the men is still in charge of the house, but also the women plays a major role. Now you see some woman working hard all day to bring food to the table, now is more like a team, there is no I in team just because how things have change sometimes the men can't be the only one in charge of everything. Bills are getting expensive, everything seems to go up in price that a men alone can't do it, that is where the women comes in place now in days.

2)How would you describe Syfers’ writing style? Does she do things you would typically avoid in your own writing

A)His writing style is all about himself, and opinions. There is no proven fact, it makes him sound arrogant and very selfish.

-She mentions the word "wife" a lot. I know she is talking about wives, but she could have just put it in a way to bring it all together rather than repeating itself.

3)Syfers was reacting to a social structure that she felt at the time was unfair. What types of injustice or unfairness do you see in the world nowadays that you think should be addressed? Syfers implies that men benefit from the servile position of women in the family. Who benefits from the injustices you see active in the world today?

A)Some types of injustice happening now in days is the way the woman are put out to be. You still see major roles as male figures, nobody can't really see a female in charge. It kinds of intimidates and embarass people. As a men I have a lot to say about this because been raised by a single mother she has proven to me that she can be as strong as a men itself, maybe even a bit stronger, she has over come a lot of obstacles that no men would, but she has done it so I see things different.

-Men expect women to be servants, or something like that, you never really see men been butlers or anything like that because the stereo type is a women always serving our needs, man do benefit from the injustices because society thinks he can handle more pressure. In a way men can but we shouldn't be underestimating a woman power also. I beleive that in a way we are equal and yea man can do a bit more stuff than woman but mentality wise and sometimes physically wise woman are around there.

* Inventing The University *

1)· What does Bartholomae mean when he says that students must “invent the university” when they write in college?

A)He meant that the students must bring something to their writing to be unique from others. By saying "Inventing the University" he is saying that the student will learn how to walk the walk in other words that the university is going to teach him how express himself in writing that at the end the student will be teaching the university something.

2)· What does Bartholomae suggest is a way for students to become “insiders” within academic discourse?

A) Insiders means to write what you feel in and out, to overlook past the writing and put some real emotions to it, the only way it can unique and original is if you write with feelings in it.

3)· Summarize some of the differences between the two examples of student writing that Bartholomae examines, and Bartholomae’s opinion of these examples.

A) Essay one show uniqueness and creativity but it was poor written. He didn't use to many details, he only prove on how he was unique but it didn't show any feelings towards it. Essay two was well written, it showed how the little girl really felt about her music and how been creative in it wasn't creative at all. She showed a lot by writing this essay, Bartholomae's opininos are just like mine, because for it to be a very well written essay you need to put all into it, not only the situation.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pitbulls-> Man Best Friend or Worst Enemy?

Dogs have been man best friend since as long as you can imagine. Some turn out to be part of the family, others are abandoned and left alone. My views on rights of dogs and humans are that dogs should be treated with respect, the dogs learns from their owners and if they react its because of the owners fault in many ways. Many people tend to forget that aninals are also live beings that killing them should be a crime. Just because they don't walk in two legs doesn't mean that they deserve to be killed and forget. Humans have done some horrific things to dog, from burning them for fun, to shooting them and nobody says anything. I think that's an act of aggression and psychological problems that they should look into it and punish them. Many people who are now locked up for murdering, or assaulting somebody has had a past of hurting animals too. THat should automatically raise a red flag because if they have no mercy on killing a poor animal, what makes them think that they wont kill a person.

Pitbulls are known to be very aggressive and dangerous but to me that's just a stereotype. The dog acts in a way that they are brougth up to act. Many people think of Pitbull automatically thinks of dog fighting, beleive it or not this teaches a dog to be aggressive and hate others around him and that is why they attack. I think people who dont deserve to own a pitbull should not, and those people who do own a pitbull should get a background check before they buy it. To me dogs are amazing, and Pitbulls are not an exception. They are just like other dogs but they get angry easily. I think if you show them love and care they would learn to love others around them. Dogs are meant to react to their surroundings, and if they see something bad they would most likely be bad.

We can't always stop a pitbull from attacking just like we cant stop a person from killing another person. Like i said the only way we can prevent pitbulls to act that way is if the owner goes through a background check and see if they are applicable to have a tough dog like that.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In The News" Controversy Of Myspace? Facebook?

Were living in an age that technology has advance in so many ways. Back then kids use to play around outside, now kids are not seen outside instead they are in their rooms playing with their new XBOX, Computer games, etc. For teenagers the new thing is Myspace and Facebook. Personally i have both and i like it a lot, myspace is way different than facebook but i learn to adapt with both of them. MySpace to me is more of your own website rather than just a blog. In a way you can express yourself, and keep in touch with people. MySpace tells a lot of people the kind of person you are, and that's what i like. Facebook is a more mature website which i also have, and it's cool seeing friends you havent in a while and playing games,and chat. Yes some people get too caught up by it but for me it's not a big of a deal. If you can deal with your life, and spare time then you can perfectly manage it. Sometimes i do get addicted to it, that i have to check it everyday but sometimes it just gets annoying. It really depends on the person. I do think it's a phase because were in an age that we are very social, and myspace and facebook are based on that. I know adults that have both myspace and facebook but they are not too caught up with it because they have other things in their minds. Both Myspace and Facebook only become difficult in your life if you make them too. The causes of addictions to these websites is ATTENTION, simple as that.

Myths Of Creativity

1.- In your own words describe the " 6 Myths of Creativity"
First myth, creativity only comes from creative jobs, which in a way is true but then its not because anyone can put that extra spice to work to make it better.

Second Myth, People think that Money is a motivator, which is not all so true because some people would like to work on a place that they enjoy and do a much better job, rather than working on something they dont like.

Third Myth, Time Pressure Fuels Creativity, if you procrastinate you are least likely to do a better job at something, rather than taking your time at it.

Fourth Myth, Fear forces Breakthroughs, experiences and emotions can spark new stuff in your work. Your work performs on what your feeling.

Fifth Myth, Competition Beats Collaboration, If you have pressure to do better than someone you are more likely to put effort in a job than someone else. You have the pressure to do better than someone else.

Sixth Myth, Streamlined Organization is a Creative Organization, The environment around you contributes with your creativity.

2.- How did Teresa Amabile, Harvard Business School Professor who studies creativity in the workplace design her research?.......................
A) Through surveying people, she collected journal entries.
B) She was looking for personal experiences from people to analyze what creativity means to them.
C) That creativity is based on the job that you like.

3.- Who is the audience for Bill Breen's article? How can you tell?
A) Business people, because his approach was on finding out what creativity means on industries jobs, and CEO's.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

! Technology-> In The News !

Instead of always seeing the cool things about technology we always tend to forget what they cause. It's like a ripple effect it has its good and bad sides to it. I found it very interesting that Xiance brought this article up because no one really tends to focus the bad sides to all these new advancement. It's really hard to beleive that a cell phone can actually kill you. Sometimes its not the cell phones cause for somebodies death, but the consumer. If you cant text and drive then don't do it. In my case, I have text and drove at the same time but I'm so use to my phone that I don't need to look at the key board. I know so many people that text while driving, and i feel like i'm going to die cause there driving skills are not the best while doing it. Other types of technological advances can actually be as simple as a digital camera. Now in days people like me take pictures of everything, this can actually be very harmful because we tend to post them up online, now in days the internet is an unsafe world. People can actually take your pictures and use them for your advantage, some can get obsess, some can do some things to it. You don't really know people's intention. I think that Xiance has a point, that they should over look past the invention, and think more about the consumers and their lives because at the end we are the ones buying it, the least they can do its see the consequences to it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

"This I Beleive Essay"

From very little our parents raises us with their values and beliefs which they were brought up from. Coming from a strong catholic family I was raised to believe that there is a God, whose son Jesus came to earth to forgive all the sinners, and that angels do exist. It’s really hard to actually think there is something that great that lives in each and everyone one of us, but from past experiences I do believe that there’s something bigger than us. We all go through a time that everything seems to just go all wrong, we all want something that we can’t have but pray to have, and we all want blessings in spite of our sins. Sometimes it can either go our way or the highway, but is there someone who actually listens to us?

My life has been filled with a lot of ups, and downs. There have been times that things are just going great, but there are times that I wished that moment never excited. I think we all can relate to that because life is meant to have obstacles. My way of finding my inner self is through talking to God. It’s really selfish that I only go to him when things are going great, and when things are going bad but I feel that by talking to him at that moment, I’m letting my real feelings come out. Sometimes tears of anger come out, but then there are some tears of happiness. The day I got into college I blasted a song, and just started thanking God for making it all possible.

Many things have changed in my life in a period of a short time. One memory I would never forget was the day I came to the United States to live. I was around nine when my mom decided to take my brother, and I away from everything to just start all over. At first it was like a long vacation, living with my uncles in New York, spending it with the family, but there was one thing, my mom was looking for a job. She previously worked on American Airlines in Ecuador; she wanted to get transfer but had to start all over. For a period of two weeks I prayed the rosary with my grandma every day, and asked the lord for his blessing to my mom, hoping she would get the job. One day around the afternoon my mom called from Miami telling us that she got the job, from there that’s where it all came together, and I moved down here to start my new life.

Times like these make me believe that there was somebody listening to my prayers, and seeing the hardships that my mom took bringing us where we are today. Sometimes my prayers don’t always go the way I would want them to go, but things sometimes can’t always go your way. I always tend to over look things, and realize that everything has a purpose, if it doesn’t go your way is because there is a twist to it. In the past two years I have lost two amazing woman in my life. One of them was my grandma who died of an infection in her intestine, and the other one was my amazing aunt who past away a couple of months ago through cancer. These were the times that we bombed prayers to God asking for healing to them. Tears came out just thinking about it; unfortunately it all took a wrong turn and both past away. Honestly I don’t blame God, and it doesn’t make me see him any different because I know that they are in a better place without going through the pain they were going down here.

Experiences have made me the person I am today, and I can say it proud and loud that I believe there is a God. The feeling of being loved is nothing compare to God’s love. It has taking me a lot for it to be proven, but I have attended retreats, I have gone through some hard times, I have gone through the best days of my life, but by having faith makes things better. It feels so good when you just drive by yourself talking to God, asking for forgiveness and blessing. When I go out I feel protected, and that’s the feeling I want to have, knowing that I will be safe where ever I go in my life. God has given me the power of faith and how strong it can be. I have grown to believe that God is in every one of us, and I wouldn’t have it in any other way.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In The News Politics " Family Influences In Politics"

"Words from the Wise" wrote on how families of the candidates can influence people to either vote for them or not. I beleive that shouldn't be the case because we are only judging on appearances. What they do behind close scenes is in other words mystery to us. They can only give us so much, that it's not enough to know the real them. Yes, people see others beleif and values, it shows a lot when they see children in the scene because it shows how you raised them or not, but sometimes raising them in a good environment isn't always the answer to the perfect child. I think it's more mentally when it comes to that. You can do so much but get little back. From personal experiences i know some amazing parents that gives their children everything, but the child turns out to be bad. Whose fault is that? A lot of times when families of the candidates do mistakes, immediately people turn to the parents, and blame them but that shouldn't be the case because everyone is independent and if they were brought up with values and love then that's all it matters. People need to stop been judgemental and acknowledge that no one out there is perfect, and if that's the reason it can ruin someone chance on winning, then the view of the Fair American System its nonsense.

Monday, September 8, 2008

This I Beleive!

"A Different Kind Of Hero"

"A Good Neighborhood"

What makes the essays you chose compelling?
*This essay is so compelling because it depicts a hero not as a super man but as a little girl having faith during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

*This is essay is compelling because inspite of choosing to live in a neighborhood that he won't be happy to live in, he decided to live in a neighborhood where people look down at it, but it makes him happy that he found joy in it.

What kinds of stories do they use to showcase their belief?
*This story is about a girl who considers herself a hero for been strong, and positive about her life after Katrina. Her beleif is unique from others, because with her head up high she knows things will eventually get better over time.

*This story is about a guy who was looking for a new house, his choices was to live in a good suburb area, or a low class area. Instead he chose to live in the low class area because he realize that it wasn't the neighborhood that was bad but the discrimination against low income white folks.

What is the tone of each essay and how is it achieved? (funny, serious, reflective, sarcastic, etc.)
*This essay is very reflective and serious. It reflects Chloe's life, and her outlook in life, but with this a serious attitude towards life is shown.

*This essay is also very reflective. The men realize that no matter where you live there would always be danger, but you can find happiness in your home too if you give it a chance.

Do they follow the writing guidelines provided by the This I Believe organization on their website at
*Both essays i chose follow this guidelines because instead of writing their whole life story they were very detail on what they were saying, they both were very positive in their situation, and they both got very personal by letting out their feelings.

What beliefs might you want to write about for project 1? (looking at the categorized list of beliefs at may help you)

*Some beliefs I'm very strong about and would like to choose for my Project would be after life, and addiction. I beleive that there is some place we all go when we pass away, and addiction is something that has struck me in a personal way, and would like to find out more.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal Entry #1

*Describe the situation that made you feel a need to respond in writing.
The beginning of a new school year has begun, but this one unlike the other ones is very different. I actually got into college, and my lifestyle has shifted in many ways. Now I'm an adult with more responsibilities, and goals have been made. Professor Mason gave us a paper due during the weekend that asked us what our goals were. I was very determined to write how i felt because for the past week now that I been in college my emotions have been from up and down. I wanted to let my professor know how i really felt been in a new school, practically starting new. It can be hard for a lot of people but I manage to do ok, that writing that paper made me excited because it will be the first of many coming this year.

Why did you decide to respond in writing instead of taking some other action or not responding at all?
First I decided to do it in writing because it was an assignment. Either way it was kind of cool because I let all my emotions, and feelings take over me and write how I really felt about being in school.

What type or genre of writing did you use to communicate your purpose, and why did you choose this genre?
I chosed to write to the reader on what my goals were, I chose this type of writing because I wanted the reader to know me, and my inner feelings that can't be spoken.

Who was your audience and what kind of relationship did you want to establish with your readers?
My only audience is my professor because honestly he will be the only one reading it, and the type of relationship I want to establishis for him to know me more as a person, and know that I do have feelings, and I'm not all about sitting in class just wondering online. Hehehe!

What was your purpose in writing? Did you feel you accomplished this purpose?
My purpose of writing this essay was because it was going to get graded, but I'm kind of glad I liked it because starting college isn't easy and you don't really know how you feel until you really think about it, and that's what I did and got to write it down. I feel like I accomplish my purpose because I developed a good essay, and all of it was truth.

What knowledge of the context and culture did you draw on to guide your writing?
The context of my writing is based on my first week of college, and the goals I want to set in life. I use my experience of college, to write on what I want to gain out of college, and what I want to accomplish.

How is thinking about your writing as responding to a “rhetorical situation” different from other ways to think about the writing you do?
What makes this writing special is the fact that it was my first paper of my whole college career, it makes me feel like I have accomplished something rather than just another paper.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Did you know? In the News #1

As everyone knows the Olympics 2008 took place in Beijing, China. This was one of the first Olympics who took in a lot of controversy because this country happen to be communist. Many people protested, got injured and did everything in their power to stop it, but nothing seem to work. China been the host of the Olympics wasn't the only controversy happening. As the events of sports started to begin, they happen to find out that some of China's gymnist were under age. This isn't the first time that China has done some scheme like this. The association found out that there passports were faked, and that the gymnist were as young as 13. It's really unfair because they took some gold medals out of this competition. There are people out there who have train their whole lives to be at the Olympics, that didn't take any medals.
Another thing that nobody really knows about is Michael Phelps swim suit. It's a brand new swim wear that Nasa experimented to make the swim more faster. Michael is known for winning the most gold medals, but is it really fair? He had a swim wear that's is known to make you faster in the water, and it was the first time tested. what about the other swimmers of the past years who have played it fair with a small speedo, and they are not recognize for their effort.
The Olympics are now known for playing dirty, but when you think about it sometimes life is not fair.