Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Myths Of Creativity

1.- In your own words describe the " 6 Myths of Creativity"
First myth, creativity only comes from creative jobs, which in a way is true but then its not because anyone can put that extra spice to work to make it better.

Second Myth, People think that Money is a motivator, which is not all so true because some people would like to work on a place that they enjoy and do a much better job, rather than working on something they dont like.

Third Myth, Time Pressure Fuels Creativity, if you procrastinate you are least likely to do a better job at something, rather than taking your time at it.

Fourth Myth, Fear forces Breakthroughs, experiences and emotions can spark new stuff in your work. Your work performs on what your feeling.

Fifth Myth, Competition Beats Collaboration, If you have pressure to do better than someone you are more likely to put effort in a job than someone else. You have the pressure to do better than someone else.

Sixth Myth, Streamlined Organization is a Creative Organization, The environment around you contributes with your creativity.

2.- How did Teresa Amabile, Harvard Business School Professor who studies creativity in the workplace design her research?.......................
A) Through surveying people, she collected journal entries.
B) She was looking for personal experiences from people to analyze what creativity means to them.
C) That creativity is based on the job that you like.

3.- Who is the audience for Bill Breen's article? How can you tell?
A) Business people, because his approach was on finding out what creativity means on industries jobs, and CEO's.

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