Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Did you know? In the News #1

As everyone knows the Olympics 2008 took place in Beijing, China. This was one of the first Olympics who took in a lot of controversy because this country happen to be communist. Many people protested, got injured and did everything in their power to stop it, but nothing seem to work. China been the host of the Olympics wasn't the only controversy happening. As the events of sports started to begin, they happen to find out that some of China's gymnist were under age. This isn't the first time that China has done some scheme like this. The association found out that there passports were faked, and that the gymnist were as young as 13. It's really unfair because they took some gold medals out of this competition. There are people out there who have train their whole lives to be at the Olympics, that didn't take any medals.
Another thing that nobody really knows about is Michael Phelps swim suit. It's a brand new swim wear that Nasa experimented to make the swim more faster. Michael is known for winning the most gold medals, but is it really fair? He had a swim wear that's is known to make you faster in the water, and it was the first time tested. what about the other swimmers of the past years who have played it fair with a small speedo, and they are not recognize for their effort.
The Olympics are now known for playing dirty, but when you think about it sometimes life is not fair.

1 comment:

dr.mason said...

Hey luissm2,

I think your focus on "fairness" brings up some interesting questions, like "have the olympics ever really been fair?" and "what advantages do certain athletes have, even when everyone follows the rule?"

Because you state "This was one of the first Olympics who took in a lot of controversy because this country happen to be communist," you might be interested in the controversy surrounding the 1936 Berlin Olympics held in Nazi GermanyNazi Olympics at USHMM.