Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why I want a: WIFE

1)This essay was written in 1971. What types of duties does Syfers describe as being performed by wives? To what degree do you believe these are still done primarily by women? Have these or other things about the husband/wife relationship changed in the last 37 years?

A)The type of duties that Syfers is looking in a wife is the type of duties a maid would do, but he has to pay. He thinks that by having a wife is to have everything cater to him. He expects his wife to clean, wash, look out for the kids, and in top of all love the sex with him.

-As times have change an woman are becoming more dependable, there are still housewives out there who clean up after dinner, who don't work just to keep an eye on the kids, who gives her free time to devote herself to the husband, as funny as this sounds after 35 years some little things haven't changed.

-37 years later the men is still in charge of the house, but also the women plays a major role. Now you see some woman working hard all day to bring food to the table, now is more like a team, there is no I in team just because how things have change sometimes the men can't be the only one in charge of everything. Bills are getting expensive, everything seems to go up in price that a men alone can't do it, that is where the women comes in place now in days.

2)How would you describe Syfers’ writing style? Does she do things you would typically avoid in your own writing

A)His writing style is all about himself, and opinions. There is no proven fact, it makes him sound arrogant and very selfish.

-She mentions the word "wife" a lot. I know she is talking about wives, but she could have just put it in a way to bring it all together rather than repeating itself.

3)Syfers was reacting to a social structure that she felt at the time was unfair. What types of injustice or unfairness do you see in the world nowadays that you think should be addressed? Syfers implies that men benefit from the servile position of women in the family. Who benefits from the injustices you see active in the world today?

A)Some types of injustice happening now in days is the way the woman are put out to be. You still see major roles as male figures, nobody can't really see a female in charge. It kinds of intimidates and embarass people. As a men I have a lot to say about this because been raised by a single mother she has proven to me that she can be as strong as a men itself, maybe even a bit stronger, she has over come a lot of obstacles that no men would, but she has done it so I see things different.

-Men expect women to be servants, or something like that, you never really see men been butlers or anything like that because the stereo type is a women always serving our needs, man do benefit from the injustices because society thinks he can handle more pressure. In a way men can but we shouldn't be underestimating a woman power also. I beleive that in a way we are equal and yea man can do a bit more stuff than woman but mentality wise and sometimes physically wise woman are around there.

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