Monday, September 15, 2008

"This I Beleive Essay"

From very little our parents raises us with their values and beliefs which they were brought up from. Coming from a strong catholic family I was raised to believe that there is a God, whose son Jesus came to earth to forgive all the sinners, and that angels do exist. It’s really hard to actually think there is something that great that lives in each and everyone one of us, but from past experiences I do believe that there’s something bigger than us. We all go through a time that everything seems to just go all wrong, we all want something that we can’t have but pray to have, and we all want blessings in spite of our sins. Sometimes it can either go our way or the highway, but is there someone who actually listens to us?

My life has been filled with a lot of ups, and downs. There have been times that things are just going great, but there are times that I wished that moment never excited. I think we all can relate to that because life is meant to have obstacles. My way of finding my inner self is through talking to God. It’s really selfish that I only go to him when things are going great, and when things are going bad but I feel that by talking to him at that moment, I’m letting my real feelings come out. Sometimes tears of anger come out, but then there are some tears of happiness. The day I got into college I blasted a song, and just started thanking God for making it all possible.

Many things have changed in my life in a period of a short time. One memory I would never forget was the day I came to the United States to live. I was around nine when my mom decided to take my brother, and I away from everything to just start all over. At first it was like a long vacation, living with my uncles in New York, spending it with the family, but there was one thing, my mom was looking for a job. She previously worked on American Airlines in Ecuador; she wanted to get transfer but had to start all over. For a period of two weeks I prayed the rosary with my grandma every day, and asked the lord for his blessing to my mom, hoping she would get the job. One day around the afternoon my mom called from Miami telling us that she got the job, from there that’s where it all came together, and I moved down here to start my new life.

Times like these make me believe that there was somebody listening to my prayers, and seeing the hardships that my mom took bringing us where we are today. Sometimes my prayers don’t always go the way I would want them to go, but things sometimes can’t always go your way. I always tend to over look things, and realize that everything has a purpose, if it doesn’t go your way is because there is a twist to it. In the past two years I have lost two amazing woman in my life. One of them was my grandma who died of an infection in her intestine, and the other one was my amazing aunt who past away a couple of months ago through cancer. These were the times that we bombed prayers to God asking for healing to them. Tears came out just thinking about it; unfortunately it all took a wrong turn and both past away. Honestly I don’t blame God, and it doesn’t make me see him any different because I know that they are in a better place without going through the pain they were going down here.

Experiences have made me the person I am today, and I can say it proud and loud that I believe there is a God. The feeling of being loved is nothing compare to God’s love. It has taking me a lot for it to be proven, but I have attended retreats, I have gone through some hard times, I have gone through the best days of my life, but by having faith makes things better. It feels so good when you just drive by yourself talking to God, asking for forgiveness and blessing. When I go out I feel protected, and that’s the feeling I want to have, knowing that I will be safe where ever I go in my life. God has given me the power of faith and how strong it can be. I have grown to believe that God is in every one of us, and I wouldn’t have it in any other way.


MTM said...

In the beginning, I thought I was going to be reading about your Catholic faith and prayer but as I read your experiences I finally understood what the essay was about, the power of God.
The essay is good but my only concern would be for you to read it out loud to yourself and figure out how some phrases are worded.
Like Professor Mason said add some dialouge to tie in all the sories to each other so the reader won't get lost.

k_ropa89 said...

I like your essay. its really cool and the only thing i can say it's that i do believe in the power of God as well. no doubt.

renigade said...

Amen brother! lol but I yea really like the main idea behind your essay, its amazing to see people who share similar beliefs as I do, I too believe that there is a wonderful God who hears our prayers! I do think however that you should try reading your essay out loud and try revising and reorganizing the structure of your essay.Other than that I think its great!

dr.mason said...

I agree with the one commenter that the essay seems to begin one way and switches gears. I think this is a good sign that, through writing, you were able to refine what you really wanted to talk about. You might consider various ways of articulating this beleif: Is it believing in the power of God? Is it believing in God? Is it believing that people should believe in God?

The focus on good things happening after praying can, as you suggest, make it seem like praying is about getting things and thanking God for them. But later on you talk about praying in different ways that go beyond these two things. Non-believers might look at the admission that bad things happen despite prayer as evidence against God or the power of prayer. To avoid "preaching to the choir," you might consider expanding on your statement that "having faith makes things better." The mathematician Blaise Pascal said that it's better to bet that there is a God rather than bet that there isn't. Could your belief in having faith reach even those who don't feel strongly about God to begin with?