Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some Questions For You To Think About ? ? ?

1) Why is it important to vote?

2)Now In days what can a person do to make a difference in a President's election?

3)Remaining silence and not voting can affect who in the long run?

4)What does The Word "Die" on the Phrase "Vote oR Die" really mean in your own opinion?

5)What's a belief you have grown to beleive about Voting?


Anonymous said...

1. It is important to vote so that you can have a say in who will be governing your country for at least the next 4 years.
2. They can go to their rallies to support them or buy stickers and things like that. They can also vote (obviously) if they are of age.
3. Remaining silent hurts you in the long run because you didnt get a choice in who became President.
4. The word die in the phrase "vote or die" to me means that if you don't vote, your voice won't be heard, and if you don't have a voice, then you are pretty much "dead."
5. My belief about voting, honestly, is that I don't care for it. I'm not sure if I could have voted this year because I'm not 18 yet but I will be soon, but even though it looks like a really good election, I don't know much about politics and I don't think that I should be able to make a decision that could affect everyone's lives if I don't really know much about what's going on. Also, I don't really think that my opinion counts much. Who the people choose won't change with my single vote.

Lauren said...

1. I believe it is important to vote so that we all feel we are contributing to the decisions made in our country.
2. I find that people only should vote if they know who they are voting for and why. People shouldn't just vote because they are 18 and their allowed to. I'm sure plenty of 18 year olds have no idea what is going on in the campaign today and are still planning on voting for whomever they decide on at the last minute just because they can. I think it really could make a difference if these voters today followed the campaign and were educated on who they are choosing to become their next new president. Every vote does make a difference, careless votes can make an unwanted decision as well.
3. Remaining silent could affect us all in the long run even those who have spoke up.
4. The world die in the phrase Vote or Die to me basically says - If you don't vote in the next election then you will be placed with guilt for not voting if a bad president gets chosen and our country falls to pieces.
5. My belief I have grown to believe about voting is that we all should vote but only if you are educated on what is going on, don't waste a vote.