Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pitbulls-> Man Best Friend or Worst Enemy?

Dogs have been man best friend since as long as you can imagine. Some turn out to be part of the family, others are abandoned and left alone. My views on rights of dogs and humans are that dogs should be treated with respect, the dogs learns from their owners and if they react its because of the owners fault in many ways. Many people tend to forget that aninals are also live beings that killing them should be a crime. Just because they don't walk in two legs doesn't mean that they deserve to be killed and forget. Humans have done some horrific things to dog, from burning them for fun, to shooting them and nobody says anything. I think that's an act of aggression and psychological problems that they should look into it and punish them. Many people who are now locked up for murdering, or assaulting somebody has had a past of hurting animals too. THat should automatically raise a red flag because if they have no mercy on killing a poor animal, what makes them think that they wont kill a person.

Pitbulls are known to be very aggressive and dangerous but to me that's just a stereotype. The dog acts in a way that they are brougth up to act. Many people think of Pitbull automatically thinks of dog fighting, beleive it or not this teaches a dog to be aggressive and hate others around him and that is why they attack. I think people who dont deserve to own a pitbull should not, and those people who do own a pitbull should get a background check before they buy it. To me dogs are amazing, and Pitbulls are not an exception. They are just like other dogs but they get angry easily. I think if you show them love and care they would learn to love others around them. Dogs are meant to react to their surroundings, and if they see something bad they would most likely be bad.

We can't always stop a pitbull from attacking just like we cant stop a person from killing another person. Like i said the only way we can prevent pitbulls to act that way is if the owner goes through a background check and see if they are applicable to have a tough dog like that.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In The News" Controversy Of Myspace? Facebook?

Were living in an age that technology has advance in so many ways. Back then kids use to play around outside, now kids are not seen outside instead they are in their rooms playing with their new XBOX, Computer games, etc. For teenagers the new thing is Myspace and Facebook. Personally i have both and i like it a lot, myspace is way different than facebook but i learn to adapt with both of them. MySpace to me is more of your own website rather than just a blog. In a way you can express yourself, and keep in touch with people. MySpace tells a lot of people the kind of person you are, and that's what i like. Facebook is a more mature website which i also have, and it's cool seeing friends you havent in a while and playing games,and chat. Yes some people get too caught up by it but for me it's not a big of a deal. If you can deal with your life, and spare time then you can perfectly manage it. Sometimes i do get addicted to it, that i have to check it everyday but sometimes it just gets annoying. It really depends on the person. I do think it's a phase because were in an age that we are very social, and myspace and facebook are based on that. I know adults that have both myspace and facebook but they are not too caught up with it because they have other things in their minds. Both Myspace and Facebook only become difficult in your life if you make them too. The causes of addictions to these websites is ATTENTION, simple as that.

Myths Of Creativity

1.- In your own words describe the " 6 Myths of Creativity"
First myth, creativity only comes from creative jobs, which in a way is true but then its not because anyone can put that extra spice to work to make it better.

Second Myth, People think that Money is a motivator, which is not all so true because some people would like to work on a place that they enjoy and do a much better job, rather than working on something they dont like.

Third Myth, Time Pressure Fuels Creativity, if you procrastinate you are least likely to do a better job at something, rather than taking your time at it.

Fourth Myth, Fear forces Breakthroughs, experiences and emotions can spark new stuff in your work. Your work performs on what your feeling.

Fifth Myth, Competition Beats Collaboration, If you have pressure to do better than someone you are more likely to put effort in a job than someone else. You have the pressure to do better than someone else.

Sixth Myth, Streamlined Organization is a Creative Organization, The environment around you contributes with your creativity.

2.- How did Teresa Amabile, Harvard Business School Professor who studies creativity in the workplace design her research?.......................
A) Through surveying people, she collected journal entries.
B) She was looking for personal experiences from people to analyze what creativity means to them.
C) That creativity is based on the job that you like.

3.- Who is the audience for Bill Breen's article? How can you tell?
A) Business people, because his approach was on finding out what creativity means on industries jobs, and CEO's.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

! Technology-> In The News !

Instead of always seeing the cool things about technology we always tend to forget what they cause. It's like a ripple effect it has its good and bad sides to it. I found it very interesting that Xiance brought this article up because no one really tends to focus the bad sides to all these new advancement. It's really hard to beleive that a cell phone can actually kill you. Sometimes its not the cell phones cause for somebodies death, but the consumer. If you cant text and drive then don't do it. In my case, I have text and drove at the same time but I'm so use to my phone that I don't need to look at the key board. I know so many people that text while driving, and i feel like i'm going to die cause there driving skills are not the best while doing it. Other types of technological advances can actually be as simple as a digital camera. Now in days people like me take pictures of everything, this can actually be very harmful because we tend to post them up online, now in days the internet is an unsafe world. People can actually take your pictures and use them for your advantage, some can get obsess, some can do some things to it. You don't really know people's intention. I think that Xiance has a point, that they should over look past the invention, and think more about the consumers and their lives because at the end we are the ones buying it, the least they can do its see the consequences to it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

"This I Beleive Essay"

From very little our parents raises us with their values and beliefs which they were brought up from. Coming from a strong catholic family I was raised to believe that there is a God, whose son Jesus came to earth to forgive all the sinners, and that angels do exist. It’s really hard to actually think there is something that great that lives in each and everyone one of us, but from past experiences I do believe that there’s something bigger than us. We all go through a time that everything seems to just go all wrong, we all want something that we can’t have but pray to have, and we all want blessings in spite of our sins. Sometimes it can either go our way or the highway, but is there someone who actually listens to us?

My life has been filled with a lot of ups, and downs. There have been times that things are just going great, but there are times that I wished that moment never excited. I think we all can relate to that because life is meant to have obstacles. My way of finding my inner self is through talking to God. It’s really selfish that I only go to him when things are going great, and when things are going bad but I feel that by talking to him at that moment, I’m letting my real feelings come out. Sometimes tears of anger come out, but then there are some tears of happiness. The day I got into college I blasted a song, and just started thanking God for making it all possible.

Many things have changed in my life in a period of a short time. One memory I would never forget was the day I came to the United States to live. I was around nine when my mom decided to take my brother, and I away from everything to just start all over. At first it was like a long vacation, living with my uncles in New York, spending it with the family, but there was one thing, my mom was looking for a job. She previously worked on American Airlines in Ecuador; she wanted to get transfer but had to start all over. For a period of two weeks I prayed the rosary with my grandma every day, and asked the lord for his blessing to my mom, hoping she would get the job. One day around the afternoon my mom called from Miami telling us that she got the job, from there that’s where it all came together, and I moved down here to start my new life.

Times like these make me believe that there was somebody listening to my prayers, and seeing the hardships that my mom took bringing us where we are today. Sometimes my prayers don’t always go the way I would want them to go, but things sometimes can’t always go your way. I always tend to over look things, and realize that everything has a purpose, if it doesn’t go your way is because there is a twist to it. In the past two years I have lost two amazing woman in my life. One of them was my grandma who died of an infection in her intestine, and the other one was my amazing aunt who past away a couple of months ago through cancer. These were the times that we bombed prayers to God asking for healing to them. Tears came out just thinking about it; unfortunately it all took a wrong turn and both past away. Honestly I don’t blame God, and it doesn’t make me see him any different because I know that they are in a better place without going through the pain they were going down here.

Experiences have made me the person I am today, and I can say it proud and loud that I believe there is a God. The feeling of being loved is nothing compare to God’s love. It has taking me a lot for it to be proven, but I have attended retreats, I have gone through some hard times, I have gone through the best days of my life, but by having faith makes things better. It feels so good when you just drive by yourself talking to God, asking for forgiveness and blessing. When I go out I feel protected, and that’s the feeling I want to have, knowing that I will be safe where ever I go in my life. God has given me the power of faith and how strong it can be. I have grown to believe that God is in every one of us, and I wouldn’t have it in any other way.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In The News Politics " Family Influences In Politics"

"Words from the Wise" wrote on how families of the candidates can influence people to either vote for them or not. I beleive that shouldn't be the case because we are only judging on appearances. What they do behind close scenes is in other words mystery to us. They can only give us so much, that it's not enough to know the real them. Yes, people see others beleif and values, it shows a lot when they see children in the scene because it shows how you raised them or not, but sometimes raising them in a good environment isn't always the answer to the perfect child. I think it's more mentally when it comes to that. You can do so much but get little back. From personal experiences i know some amazing parents that gives their children everything, but the child turns out to be bad. Whose fault is that? A lot of times when families of the candidates do mistakes, immediately people turn to the parents, and blame them but that shouldn't be the case because everyone is independent and if they were brought up with values and love then that's all it matters. People need to stop been judgemental and acknowledge that no one out there is perfect, and if that's the reason it can ruin someone chance on winning, then the view of the Fair American System its nonsense.

Monday, September 8, 2008

This I Beleive!

"A Different Kind Of Hero"

"A Good Neighborhood"

What makes the essays you chose compelling?
*This essay is so compelling because it depicts a hero not as a super man but as a little girl having faith during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

*This is essay is compelling because inspite of choosing to live in a neighborhood that he won't be happy to live in, he decided to live in a neighborhood where people look down at it, but it makes him happy that he found joy in it.

What kinds of stories do they use to showcase their belief?
*This story is about a girl who considers herself a hero for been strong, and positive about her life after Katrina. Her beleif is unique from others, because with her head up high she knows things will eventually get better over time.

*This story is about a guy who was looking for a new house, his choices was to live in a good suburb area, or a low class area. Instead he chose to live in the low class area because he realize that it wasn't the neighborhood that was bad but the discrimination against low income white folks.

What is the tone of each essay and how is it achieved? (funny, serious, reflective, sarcastic, etc.)
*This essay is very reflective and serious. It reflects Chloe's life, and her outlook in life, but with this a serious attitude towards life is shown.

*This essay is also very reflective. The men realize that no matter where you live there would always be danger, but you can find happiness in your home too if you give it a chance.

Do they follow the writing guidelines provided by the This I Believe organization on their website at
*Both essays i chose follow this guidelines because instead of writing their whole life story they were very detail on what they were saying, they both were very positive in their situation, and they both got very personal by letting out their feelings.

What beliefs might you want to write about for project 1? (looking at the categorized list of beliefs at may help you)

*Some beliefs I'm very strong about and would like to choose for my Project would be after life, and addiction. I beleive that there is some place we all go when we pass away, and addiction is something that has struck me in a personal way, and would like to find out more.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Journal Entry #1

*Describe the situation that made you feel a need to respond in writing.
The beginning of a new school year has begun, but this one unlike the other ones is very different. I actually got into college, and my lifestyle has shifted in many ways. Now I'm an adult with more responsibilities, and goals have been made. Professor Mason gave us a paper due during the weekend that asked us what our goals were. I was very determined to write how i felt because for the past week now that I been in college my emotions have been from up and down. I wanted to let my professor know how i really felt been in a new school, practically starting new. It can be hard for a lot of people but I manage to do ok, that writing that paper made me excited because it will be the first of many coming this year.

Why did you decide to respond in writing instead of taking some other action or not responding at all?
First I decided to do it in writing because it was an assignment. Either way it was kind of cool because I let all my emotions, and feelings take over me and write how I really felt about being in school.

What type or genre of writing did you use to communicate your purpose, and why did you choose this genre?
I chosed to write to the reader on what my goals were, I chose this type of writing because I wanted the reader to know me, and my inner feelings that can't be spoken.

Who was your audience and what kind of relationship did you want to establish with your readers?
My only audience is my professor because honestly he will be the only one reading it, and the type of relationship I want to establishis for him to know me more as a person, and know that I do have feelings, and I'm not all about sitting in class just wondering online. Hehehe!

What was your purpose in writing? Did you feel you accomplished this purpose?
My purpose of writing this essay was because it was going to get graded, but I'm kind of glad I liked it because starting college isn't easy and you don't really know how you feel until you really think about it, and that's what I did and got to write it down. I feel like I accomplish my purpose because I developed a good essay, and all of it was truth.

What knowledge of the context and culture did you draw on to guide your writing?
The context of my writing is based on my first week of college, and the goals I want to set in life. I use my experience of college, to write on what I want to gain out of college, and what I want to accomplish.

How is thinking about your writing as responding to a “rhetorical situation” different from other ways to think about the writing you do?
What makes this writing special is the fact that it was my first paper of my whole college career, it makes me feel like I have accomplished something rather than just another paper.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Did you know? In the News #1

As everyone knows the Olympics 2008 took place in Beijing, China. This was one of the first Olympics who took in a lot of controversy because this country happen to be communist. Many people protested, got injured and did everything in their power to stop it, but nothing seem to work. China been the host of the Olympics wasn't the only controversy happening. As the events of sports started to begin, they happen to find out that some of China's gymnist were under age. This isn't the first time that China has done some scheme like this. The association found out that there passports were faked, and that the gymnist were as young as 13. It's really unfair because they took some gold medals out of this competition. There are people out there who have train their whole lives to be at the Olympics, that didn't take any medals.
Another thing that nobody really knows about is Michael Phelps swim suit. It's a brand new swim wear that Nasa experimented to make the swim more faster. Michael is known for winning the most gold medals, but is it really fair? He had a swim wear that's is known to make you faster in the water, and it was the first time tested. what about the other swimmers of the past years who have played it fair with a small speedo, and they are not recognize for their effort.
The Olympics are now known for playing dirty, but when you think about it sometimes life is not fair.